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Enhance client experience and security by creating custom domains, colors, and logos. Customize outgoing emails to reflect your own approach and build trust with your most visible assets. In addition, with Simply-track your organization also has an account management tool which includes unique features that will grow your activity.


Build your Simply-track


Simply-track is a white label software.

With your own domain name, logos, and set of colors, Simply-track is ready to adapt to your image.

Customized notifications​


Every notification can be customized based on your needs. Your clients will enjoy the feeling of having a strong partner with a comprehensive communication strategy.

News board​


Integrate your news for clients to enjoy from Simply-track. Links to further details will bring your curious clients to your website, strengthening your relationships.



Automated contact' cards are built for your clients to access your team.

Additional services


Your team offers a large panel of services and your clients need your expertise in those fields. Simply-track includes links to your services so that your clients can access them easily.

More Features

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